Group Fitness Classes at North Shore

Try The Y for free!

Get fit and have fun doing it at The Y (formerly known as YMCA) North Shore Recreation Centre

Whatever your fitness level, whatever your coordination, there will be a group fitness class perfect for you. Our classes are rated from low to high intensity – so you can get a good feel for what you’re getting yourself in for. All classes are included with your Y membership, but if you're unsure we're right for you, why not have a 3 day trial on us?


Try The Y for free!

Some classes may have limited spots so please arrive early so you don't miss out.



The original and best indoor cycling experience. Top notch instructors and music that motivates you, takes you out of the studio and into your imagination on the ultimate fitness journey.


With total focus on core stability, muscle balancing, joint release and breathing techniques, Pilates teaches you a higher level of body awareness to create a stronger body posture and an energised mind.


Bring balance to your body, mind and spirit through the development of strength and flexibility combined with breath control and relaxation methods. Yoga has the power to calm the mind, increase concentration, improve well-being and can be a powerful antidote to stress.

Box & Burn

With a focus on boxing technique and strength drills this high energy workout is great for anyone wanting to change the body without worrying about co-ordination. No choreography involved, just pure boxing.

Core Power

This class incorporates the principles ofYoga and Pilates alongside a mixture of new and traditional training techniquesto focus entirely on the core are including abdominals, lower back and glutes.

Muscle Sculpt

Build the body you want with a variety of weight bearing and body weight exercises designed to build muscle, tone the body and create definition.


Join the party! Latin rhythms and easy tofollow moves create a dynamic fitness programme that will blow you away. Youwill want to work out, you will love working out and you will be hooked.

Cardio Kick Box

A cardio based class that focuses on kicking and punching moves. Be sure that you'll work up a sweat and have fun while burning hundreds of calories.

Movement Therapy

A gentle exercise class mainly for seniors that focuses on movement. Along with physical activity the exercises are designed to also keep the brain thinking. Very social environment and friendly atmosphere.