Doing the mahi to offset carbon emissions and contributing to a sustainable environment
In August 2022, over 5,000 new native trees were planted at Camp Adair. Camp Adair is signed on to the Trees for Survival program, where local Auckland Schools propagate native seedlings at school and then plant them at Camp. Hunua School, Auckland Girls Grammar, James Cook HS and Owairoa School students have provided the muscle power to get the job done. The new planting looks fantastic, and we have planted over one hectare of new Kareheke, Te Kouka, Mahoe, Manuka and Kahikatea trees. There are many benefits to planting trees, including helping combat climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow and store it as carbohydrates. Each tree planted can absorb, an average of 10 kilograms, of carbon dioxide per year for the first 20 years. Our planting area was previously a mowed strip of land. So our new trees will further reduce our own carbon emissions, by reducing the number of fossil fuels we use at camp.

Forming a better future through partnership
We were lucky enough to also receive $5,000 of funding from Counties Energy to purchase over 1,100 trees for planting. Mangatawhiri, Clevedon and Hingaia Schools have stepped up to the plate to plant these trees along the banks of the Wairoa River that runs through the Camp. We also managed to plant some of our very own Kahikatea Seedlings that our maintenance team have been nurturing.
Kahikatea Seeds, either through wind or birds had established and grown in our wastewater sand beds. These were carefully transplanted into pots and nurtured for planting. The new Kahikatea Trees will help replenish our own Kahikatea forest which is hundreds of years old.
We are super proud to be part of the Trees for Survival Program. Since the program began, with their support we have planted in excess of 20,000 Native Trees at the Camp. We also need to acknowledge Watercare’s support for making this happen. Along with other funders and supporters, including Counties Energy, Auckland Council and Friends of Te Wairoa Trust, we are truly making a difference in our environment. The educational benefits are also enormous. Our school children are the future guardians of our environment. The best way to influence a generational change towards habits in our environment is through our school children.